Reduce Costs

Dramatically lowers the time and costs associated with the discovery phase of biotherapeutic product development for biopharmas.
With the declining return on investment for pharmaceutical companies, there continues to be more and more pressure to improve success rates or reduce the costs of failure with new drug development. The R&D dollars spent per drug have increased ten-fold in the last decade and this trend is likely to continue. One of the biggest bottlenecks is in identifying promising disease targets. The pharmaceutical industry is looking to aides such as artificial intelligence to more effectively compile both clinical trial data and information about what is going on in the R&D industry to speed up drug development times. However, an entirely new platform technology that can accelerate the drug development process, such as the AcPET system, can greatly reduce the multi-year drug discovery phase of the process. With a shorter drug discovery timeframe, costs to the biopharmas would be lowered significantly, and would bring potential new drugs to clinical trial sooner and subsequently to market sooner.